
7 suggestions to choose the right colour for your blinds

When you’re looking for right blinds for your house you’ll have to take in consideration many factors. To make the challenge a bit easier you could start the process by choosing the right colours.

It will be certainly a good starting point and it will allow you to consider other elements such as the furniture and the colours of the walls.

Choosing the right colour for your blinds also really depends by the room we are talking about.

The choice for a sliding window in the kitchen will certainly be different from the choice of blinds in the living room or the bedroom.

Different rooms need different blinds, both in terms of style and functionality.

With regards to functionality you should consider the technology and practicality of the system used.

If, however, the most important thing for you is the style, then you should focus on this aspect to make your search a little bit easier.

The perfect solution would be to find equilibrium between design and efficiency.

Here a few suggestions on how to choose the right colour to match the style of your rooms.

Choose a colour that matches other furniture accessories

One of the best ways to choose the right blinds for a room is to establish from the beginning the most prominent colour present in your furniture.

This can be the colour of a sofa, a rug or if your room is predominantly white but has a painted wall, it would be the colour of that wall.

In this way you will be able to sense the continuity of all your accessories that will make your space clean and welcoming.

On the other hand, make sure not to base the choice of your colour on temporary accessories such as cushions and ornaments if you don’t want to end up changing your blinds too often.

Choose complementary colours

If you prefer your blinds not to have the same colours of other elements in the room you should take a look at the colour wheel to choose a complementary colour that can suit the one already present in the room.

The colour wheel is made to help you find the relationship between the different tonalities.

The base is formed by three main colours: red, blue and yellow.

When combining these three colours you’ll be able to find their secondary ones: orange, green, and purple.

The remaining six colours are called tertiary colours and they represent a mix between secondary colours including combinations such as red and white or blue and green.

color wheel

Think about the style of your room

If your room has a clear, strong style then the colour of the blinds shouldn’t be too different to avoid creating chaotic effect.

When using a classic style you should use clear tones like white, cream and some tones of grey.

However, if you are trying to obtain a warm and welcoming atmosphere you should go for pleasant and cosy colours.

In a space warm and modern you could choose pastel and another bright colours.

Change the colour depending on the season

If you love to change the colour of your blinds often then a good solution could be to choose it depending by the season.

In spring and summer you should choose colours evoking the sea, the sun and the feeling of walking in the mountains, and therefore opt for colours like blue, green, orange and yellow.

During autumn and winter instead you should use warm and relaxing colours that can evoke the feeling of falling leaves and snow and use tones like brown, beige and white.

Take in consideration the space

Evaluating the space inside a room is fundamental when choosing the right blinds.

In a small room you should go for light colours as they will help making it look bigger and brighter.

In a big room, you will be able to choose darker colours and make it more intimate and welcoming to the eyes.

Protect your privacy

Everyone wants to protect their privacy but often we don’t think that the choice of colours can be very much connected to it.

Choosing light materials and soft colours would be more appropriate for rooms where privacy is not essential (as opposed to a bedroom, for instance) as they can be slightly transparent.

However you can use them for rooms like studios and living rooms where they will add a touch of light.

Choose the right model of blinds

When choosing the right colour will be important also to take in consideration the model that you prefer.

Traditional curtains aside, you could use Venetian blinds or roll-ups, roman blinds or the more technologically advanced blinds for inside double glazing.

Once you’ve done that, you will be able to pick the right colour based on the model and your needs in terms of light, privacy, and intensity.

We hope that these suggestions will help you making the best choice of colours for the blinds of your house.

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Sunbell, the future of blinds design
Born in 1977 thanks to the intuition of its founder Giuseppe Zuelli, Sunbell is a leader company  in the sector of technological advanced blind systems and it established itself for the strong connection between product development and design. High-end technology applied to solar shielding and a  ‘Made in Italy’ style are at the heart of all Sunbell projects, thanks to an innovative production process, in constant development.